Hi! My name is,

Haren Upadhayay

Aspiring Software Developer

I have graduated from the 'University of Greenwich' studying 'BSc H Computer Science' and I am currently looking for a role in software engineering to build upon my skills and learn some new things!

About Me

Hey, my name is Haren Upadhayay, I enjoy building things and problem solving. My interest in Computer Science started in 2013 when we had a few lessons in GCSE Computing learning python, and I've been hooked ever since! My interests dont just stop at computers though, I love learning about all kinds of things and im always keen to try out new things.

Fast forward to today, I have successfully completed a degree in Computer Science from the university of greenwich with a 2:1 degree and now I'm looking to apply everything i have learned at university and apply it to the real world while learning new and exciting things


Here are some of the Technologies I've worked with, im always looking to build upon my skillset and learn new things!









Some Projects

Here are some of the things I've created, click on the image to see a live demo/link to the github repository!

FFXIV Node Tracker
  • Features
    • Track in-game clock from within the website
    • Search from a list of Nodes imported from JSON file
    • Track whichever nodes you need by clicking
    • Visual indicator when nodes are available
    • Store saved data for user to come back to
  • Description

    Within the game "Final Fantasy XIV: Online", there are spots which users can get items from also known as "nodes". Some of these nodes only appear within certain time intervals based on an in-game clock. The aim of this project is to help users track these items and alert them when they are available to be collected.

  • Challenges
    One of the challenges I had to face was parsing JSON data and inserting it into the table. Furthermore, it was my first time utilising localStorage so I had to learn how I can store JSON data despite it only allowing you to store string
Botnet Detection
  • Features
    • Allows customisation of network arcitechure
    • Outputs progress of training live
    • Creates tables for users to be able to visualise performance of algorithm
  • Description

    For my final year project I decided to create a botnet detection program The aim of this project is to be able to train a machine learning algorithm to detect botnet packets incoming to a server. It does this by training on pre-generated and labelled data and then identifying patterns to be able to see if incoming network traffic is part of a botnet

  • Challenges
    Acquiring an appropiate dataset, then picking out key features for the algorithm to train efficiently was one of the biggest challenges
FilmFlix Database
  • Features
    • Add to Film Records
    • Remove certain Film Records
    • Update any fields in the entires
    • View all Records
    • Perform a query on the database
  • Description

    This is a SQL database which you can access with using python code that has been developed. Using the menu provided you can perform multiple actions. The main purpose of this is to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Actions on a Database, and explore how python can interact with a database.

  • Challenges
    Trying to ensure that the user inputs are accepted properly and handling any unexpected inputs were the most challenging part of developing this program. One way I mitigated this issue was by creating a menu where a user had limited option wherever possible
  • Features
    • Register for an account
    • Create a Post
    • Read user generated posts
    • Update posts you have created
    • Delete any of your posts
  • Description

    Blogren is a fullstack website using MongoDB backend where users can perfrom CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Actions on a database. It is done using a framework called Flask to be able to render out each page. There are also 2 types of users, a normal "User" as well as an "Admin" Which can delete any posts on the main feed.

  • Challenges
    Linking up all the pages and ensuring proper flow was one of the difficulties I had faced during development, furthermore being able to take data from the mongoDB database and being able to display it in a clear way was proved to be a challenge. Furthermore, finding a way to deploy the application online was a challenge which was solved by using vercel